How to write the perfect job description ever: must have for success

Spending time and attention writing a job description is important. With Glickon Job Description Generator you can generate high quality texts in a very short time.

Come fare una Job Description perfetta: le caratteristiche che deve avere

We have already seen how to write an effective job description and the importance of this tool as the first element to build a relationship between demand and supply in the job industry.

But what elements must the perfect job description have to be effective and attractive and to be just perfect?

In particular, how should it be designed, what elements should it involve, how long and detailed should it be?

An interesting goal to aspire to could be the increasing of good quality candidates applications to our job postings, and at the same time a decrease of the dropout rate. How to achieve these goals?

How to craft an highly effective job description

We will analyze together how to write a really effective job description for the purposes of the selection processes, with the right must haves to attract the most suitable audience for the person sought and with the job profile most in line with what is required. In particular, there are some essential elements.

First let's review which are the sections that a job description must involve: let's start with the company bio and its vision / mission, followed by the detailed description of the tasks foreseen by the role, the responsibilities and the necessary and nice-to-have skills, the information about the hierarchical positioning in the organization and informations about the circumstances in terms of compensation & benefits and working methods.

The company description, fundamental element of a Job Description

The company description is a fundamental starting point for attracting the best candidates: the entrepreneurial values, the corporate mission must be highlighted, describing the projects in place in the social and cultural fields as well as the corporate commitment in the sustainable, green subjects and equity, diversity and inclusion views.It has been proven that the best candidates are increasingly interested in these issues, both in terms of consumption and job search for green professions.

Let's go into even more detail with the next steps: the perfect job description must contain a description of the activities and tasks of the role that allows the reader to be immediately intrigued by the professional opportunity shown. At the same time, it is important to fully describe the responsibilities required and what is expected of the person to be selected, in terms of decisions, ownership and necessary skills / competences.

Expertise and skills required: how to include them in the Job Description

Skills’ field is very broad and primarily involves technical skills, understood as educational qualifications and specific training, linguistic knowledge (with certifications), ability to use more or less dedicated softwares (ranging from the use of Outlook or the Office package, up to software for design architectures or photographic retouching for activity in the graphics industry, just to cite practical examples).Skills and attitudes that are referred to the individual's personality and their ability to relate to others and manage their work are also part of the skills: known as soft skills. To give some examples, these are the ability to manage stressful situations, flexibility and adaptability, the attitude to work as a team, personal leadership skills, people management skills, organizational skills and problem solving.

There are many other skill required, but the focus must be on promptly identifying the necessary and most suitable ones to successfully fill the position sought. A valid job description must contain the required technical skills but also the relational and social ones, in order to better evaluate among the candidates those who will be the most performing and most satisfied in that role, precisely because of the matching with their personality and organizational dynamics in which to express oneself. In this waythere will be a great chance that the first relationship will transform into a more stable and mutually profitable one.

Salary, compensation and benefits in the Job Description

Another card to play is to include, in the job description, exhaustive details about the role in terms of remuneration, any benefits and their nature (candidates, especially the younger generations, are increasingly paying particular attention to welfare programs and wellbeing initiatives), in addition to the description of the envisaged working methods and the tools provided. This is an area that is not only economic / monetary but is affected by the corporate strategy in terms of rewards, flexibility and private-professional life balance, aspects that are evaluated by candidates with great attention.

The drafting of a job description is certainly an activity that can require an important use of time and resources, but there are tools available to companies that can guarantee content quality and speed of action, without falling into the error of creating a superficial job description.

In fact, there is no perfect and unique recipe for writing a perfect Job Description, but the greatest complexity is to be able to attract the desired target with the right keywords. We all know that managers and organizations are always in a hurry to fill a vacant position and often, in the race to open the selection, there is a risk of neglecting the time to devote to the preparation of an effective job description, in addition to the fact that Human

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