Companies and Social Recruiting: benefits and tips to follow

What is Social Recruiting? You may have heard it before, but do you really know what the benefits are and how to use it to optimize the recruiting process?

Aziende e Social Recruiting: vantaggi e consigli per utilizzarlo

Social Recruiting is a current phenomenon that fully reflects the times we live in.Let's see together what are its features, benefits and some tips to make it a useful tool for recruiters.

What is Social Recruiting

Social Recruiting refers to the way to identify candidates through the web and Social channels, mainly LinkedIn but also Facebook and Twitter are good platforms to present oneself as a company and as reservoirs of potential talents.

The Covid-19 Pandemic has accelerated some dynamics already underway, prompting companies and candidates to use more and more digital tools to meet and manage relationships, such as video calls and video presentations.Similarly, job demand and job supply have met in the digital world. On the one hand, candidates looking for information on companies, to be found through websites but also company social pages and blogs. On the other hand, the recruiters, active in the online search for profiles and information on candidates freely available from their social accounts.

Social recruiting: which channels to use?

The main social network we think of in the professional field is undoubtedly LinkedIn. In fact, it is the perfect virtual place to search for professional profiles, screen CVs and facilitate contacts with potential candidates. Through LinkedIn it is possible to create a company page to publish valuable content and to promote job advertisements, also through the sharing of colleagues. Joining groups facilitates relationships with interesting profiles, while participation in virtual discussions facilitates the creation of a network of high-profile contacts. Obviously, relationships can arise in two ways: companies can search for candidates, but also be contacted more quickly and effectively than through traditional channels.

The use of Facebook is also excellent. Although it is not a professional social network, it still offers interesting and free tools to companies to promote their brand, post job offers, start conversations on topics of interest, facilitating the creation of a network in which to select suitable profiles.

Similarly, we can consider Twitter or Instagram. The first is characterized by the synthesis of messages and requires more refined techniques for successful social recruiting. Instead, the second is it helps to promote brands and products through videos and images. A potential candidate could be attracted to companies that communicate their values and make their brand known in a strategic way, creating an Employer Branding experience that is as aligned as possible with the Brand Identity.

Source: Job Seeker Nation Study, Jobvite

Social recruiting: what are the advantages?

The main advantage of using social channels in the recruiting process is certainly the cost savings. In fact, the platforms are free in their basic use and companies can create company pages to introduce themselves and describe themselves, offering the candidate a first Employer Branding experience. At the same time, the advantage for users lies in Personal Branding, with the opportunity to highlight experiences and skills in a "public" environment with wide resonance.

Another benefit for recruiters to consider is the ability to pre-analyze profiles prior to interviews. LinkedIn accounts, for example, show previous experiences, confirmations of skills, participation in courses, events and seminars, and other interesting elements in terms of the character and skills of potential candidates.

The range of profiles available online is also very large, allowing recruiters to also identify people who are not active in the search for job advertisements but who possess all the suitable characteristics, such as recent graduates, undergraduates or professionals with high specializations. These are potential candidates that can be defined as "passive" that otherwise would not be reachable by recruiters.

The sharing of events, sponsorships and partnerships allows companies to take advantage of a free showcase where they can promote their corporate values, their social and cultural commitment, facilitating meetings with similar profiles and relationships with potential candidates.

Some tips to follow

Companies often move into Social Recruiting without a real strategy in the use of social networks, recognizing the advantages but risking not fully grasping all the opportunities.

Therefore, the first step to follow is to have an internal policy for the use of social channels. In fact, offering guidelines to one's employees is an act of responsibility and guarantees better positioning, entering the community in a way that is consistent with corporate values.Equally important is to ensure that its selection officers are sufficiently trained on the optimal use of social networks.

Proper training will save time and ensure effective use of social platforms.In all cases, communication is a strategic weapon you can rely on for effective social recruiting. For example, the use of suitable hashtags makes job postings more easily identifiable and attractive to job-seekers.

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